Mobile messaging app Telegram has moved to block 78 channels channels associated with Daesh after it found itself being used as a recruitment and propaganda platform for the Middle East terror organisation.
Daesh communicated its claim of responsibility for last Friday’s Paris terrorist attacks in which 129 people were murdered via the Berlin-based platform, which has grown to 60 million users drawn by its ability to securely share video, text and voice messages.
Security experts warned several months ago that a public broadcast service offered by the platform had been co-opted by the group to disseminate news and propaganda from Syria and in light o the latest outrage Telegram has chosen to act.
In a statement Telegram said: “This week we blocked 78 ISIS-related channels across 12 languages. More info on our official channel. We could identify and block these public channels thanks to reports you sent to Thank you!”
Whilst the service is keen to crack down on terrorist related material it is at pains to stress it remains open to those who peacefully express alternative views.