Anti-ISIL coalition sets up command center near Irbil 3 Settembre 2015 By Redazione Islamedianalysis The US-led anti-ISIL coalition has set up a new command center near Irbil, Iraq, where it will coordinate efforts against the terror group, it was announced Thursday. Both the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, as well as Coalition Joint Forces Land Component Command collaborated to open up the Joint Coalition Coordination Center (JCCC) on September 2. “The JCCC will facilitate closer collaboration between the Combined Joint Operations Command – Baghdad and the Combined Joint Operations Command – Irbil to fight Daesh across all of northern Iraq. The new center will also set the conditions to relocate the Ninewa Operations Center from Baghdad to northern Iraq to coordinate future operations in Ninewa and Mosul,” said a statement from the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR). “Daesh [ISIL] continues to be a threat to all citizens of Iraq. The establishment of the JCCC is another tangible sign of the united effort of governmental security forces across northern Iraq and the coalition working together towards the shared goal of defeating Daesh and returning stability to the region,” the statement affirmed. The new center “will be manned by an equal number of representatives from the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the coalition forces,” it noted.